Homeopathic Recipes


The following are sample recipes from my Home Remedies, Poultices, Salves, and Tinctures non-fiction work. Feel free to read through, download, and print the recipes provided.

Image source: homeremedieslog.com

Image source: homeremedieslog.com

Home Remedies

These home remedy recipe samples are from the chapter of the same name. Depending on how many hairs you want split, many could have been placed in other chapters just as easily. I preferred to keep 'general medicine' together.

Image source: UH150.org

Image source: UH150.org

Children & Infant Care

The skin is the body’s largest organ and it has the ability to absorb things that it comes into contact with. With that in mind, do you want to expose your baby to potentially harmful chemicals or would you prefer safe and natural ingredients? Most parents would agree that ensuring your baby products are completely natural is worth it. These recipes should help you get started.

Image source: offthegridnews.com

Image source: offthegridnews.com


Salves, in a nut shell, are, by definition, merely something rubbed on the skin. If you cover the area after rubbing on a salve, then it becomes a poultice. The following are some sample salves that are included in my forthcoming non-fiction book titled Home Remedies, Poultices, Salve, & Tinctures.