
Below are write-ups and links to the various interviews I’ve been part of over the years.


Interview No. 6 - John Jeffers on Contra Radio Network (02/13/2021)

Now that I’ve published a few more books, fiction and non-fiction, I’ve started reaching out to podcasts again as part of my one-man self-promotion book sales campaign. The first call I made was to John Jeffers over at the Contra Radio Network. We talked for an hour and forty-five minutes about books, preparedness, politics, the mob, the election, and why we had to turn off the news. It’s a fun entertaining listen. Here’s where you can find the interview (see below). The podcast goes by dates and not episode numbers so look for the 02/13/2021 show.

The Jeffers Brief 13 Feb 2021

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Interview No. 5 - In the Rabbit Hole

My latest interview with the folks over at the ‘In the Rabbit Hole’ podcast is now available for download! I really enjoyed this interview so I hope you’ll give it a listen... maybe even subscribe to their podcast. Here’s the link:

In the Rabbit Hole - Episode 180

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Interview No. 4 - The Prepper Podcast

Ken Jensen has posted our interview on his blog and it’s now available for download. We discuss a wide range of topics and it is definitely worth a listen. Here’s the link:

The Prepper Podcast - Episode 113

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Interview No. 3 - The Prepared Homestead Podcast

The interview I gave with the Prepared Homestead Podcast is now available on their site! This interview was a little different than my previous two in that most of the time was spent discussing the theme behind the series which is a food system collapse. We talk about GMO’s, BigAg, BigPharma, and the alphabet soup of federal agencies a great deal. However, somehow I always manage to veer off course. I hope you enjoy it. Here's the link:

The Prepared Homestead - Episode 105

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Interview No. 2 - Survival Punk Podcast

Woohoo! Excellent news! I’ve just received an email from James over at the Survival Punk podcast and he has informed me that the interview is now posted on their site.

*** Parental Discretion is Advised ***

It’s not all that bad, but you might want to remove the smaller children as James and I might have become more than a little animated and used some salty language during a few topics. Here’s the link:

Survival Punk Podcast - Episode 88

Interview No. 1 - Contra Radio Network

Here's my very first podcast interview! John Jeffers over at the Contra Radio Network was gracious enough to let me on and you can see I'm a little raw in the interview department compared to the ease with which my more recent interviews were handled. Here’s the link:

Contra Radio Network - Episode 107