Convention of the States Gaining Momentum

Article V of the Constitution allows the citizenry and states to call for a Convention of States (COS) in the event that any of the three branches of government becomes an issue for We the People. I liked the concept of Article V, and the genius behind it so much, that, as many dystopian authors have, I even used the concept in my book series (until the editors got their hands on the text anyway).

Unfortunately, my appreciation for Article V generally remained in the realm of fantasy and fiction because I've always been leery of a COS because I felt that the scope of the convention would be difficult to control. My biggest fear is that a convention begins with some sort altruistic goal only to end with me being a criminal because they decided to horse trade my 1A, 2A, or 4A rights in exchange for some other concession.

It seems, though, that someone is giving a COS a real go AND they have clearly outlined what the scope of the COS would be.

According to the Convention of States website, the current COS push aims to "...discuss amendments that, “limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.

I encourage you to visit the Convention of the States website and review what they have to say. If you like what you see you can sign their petition, find information about contacting your congressional representatives, and download a 'pocket guide' for reference and FAQ responses.

I've downloaded their pocket guide and placed it on my Research Downloads page as well.